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Der er 266 links samlingen.
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The National Vegetable Society NVS is a charity dedicated to advancing the culture, study and improvement of vegetables offering help and advice to novice and expert show grower alike.
Kategori: Foreninger
The Plant Explorer er Danmarks største engros producent af Hemerocallis - Dagliljer. Vi vil med denne hjemmeside give private mulighed for at se vores udbud og købe vores Dagliljer på postordre. Vi har indset at planteskolerne ikke kan have et så
stort udbud som vi nu engang tilbyder.
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer
Here we have brought together what we think are the very best vegetable varieties in existence for the home gardener. You'll find no hybrids or genetically modified seed here - just varieties that do really well and taste great when grown by hand on a garden scale. Many are rare heirlooms, and all are open-pollinated (non-hybrid) so you can save your own seed for future years, using the instructions we supply.
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer | Gamle sorter og historie
The Reckless Gardener is an online gardening magazine for not too serious gardener! It's aim is to provide a light hearted starting point to gardening, to provide basic help and advice, while generating design ideas and inspiration.
Kategori: Bøger, blade og TV
A veritable institution in Lower Downtown Denver since 1920, The Rocky Mountain Seed Company was founded by F.C. Vetting and two partners. Several generations of Vettings have worked and owned the seed company.
While the seeds have changed, and the technology for planting and raising crops has changed, one thing has remained the same; when you step into The Rocky Mountain Seed Company you are immediately transported back to the 1920s. When F. C. Vetting opened the seed company he ordered custom made seed cabinets with various size drawers and bins, and custom made counters with stools. These wonderful oak cabinets and counters were built in New York state and shipped to Denver and are still in use today.
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer
Frøambassadørerne er et græsrodsprojekt med forbindelse til økologiske, frøsamlende og permakultur kredse i det nordvestlige USA. De sender et ungt amerikansk ægtepar til Europa i 5 måneder for at udveksle frø, erfaringer og visioner. Første stop: Danmark, Frøsamlernes kursus i rensning af hjemmeavlet frø, 25. november i Slagelse.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Private sider og blogs
Welcome to my webpages about seeds - collecting seeds, storing seeds, sowing seeds, germinating seeds and exchanging seeds, with pictures of seeds, seedpods and seedlings.
Like the chicken and the egg, it's difficult to know which end to start. Do I begin with collecting seeds, then move on to how to persuade them to grow, or do I start with how I germinate them, and move on to harvesting? I've decided to start with the pictures of seeds, as that's where we start with most of our garden plants.
Kategori: Private sider og blogs | Frøavl og frøsamlere
Heritage, Unusual & Regional Vegetable Seeds. Mr. Etty begs (most respectfully) to bring to the Notice of the Nobility, Clergy, & Others, his annual specialist seed catalogue. In doing so he trusts that his determination to select from none but the best stocks will ensure him for the patronage which it will be anxious study to merit.
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer | Gamle sorter og historie
One of the widest illustrated seed and plant websites available with over 2,000 varieties of seeds and plants available, many from their own unique breeding programmes.
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer
Tomato Growers Supply Company has a free catalog of tomato seeds, pepper seeds, and eggplant seeds. More than 500 varieties of tomatoes and peppers, including huge selections of both hybrid tomato seeds and heirloom tomato seeds, hot chiles, sweet peppers, tomatillos and eggplants, plus garden supplies, garden books, and posters.
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer
Linnéminnena och Botaniska trädgården vid Uppsala universitet utgör tillsammans Sveriges äldsta botaniska trädgård. I 350 år har vi i Linnés anda kombinerat botanik och hortikultur till en skön och lärorok blandning. I år är det 300 år sedan Carl von Linné föddes. Det firas med nyrenoverade anläggningar, bättre besöksmottagande och massor av roliga programpunkter.
Kategori: Besøgshaver og udstillinger | Offentlige organisationer | Forskning og uddannelse
Biodynamiske og økologiske frø:
Krydderurter, lægeplanter, blomster, grønsager og grøngødning.
Planter i potte:
Krydderurter, lægeplanter, duftgeranier, stueplanter, snapseurter, vilde planter ca. 350 arter.
Bøger om urter. Postordre- og hjemmesalg.
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer | Gartnerier | Økologi
The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. It includes names, plant symbols, checklists, distributional data, species abstracts, characteristics, images, crop information, automated tools, onward Web links, and references.
This information primarily promotes land conservation in the United States and its territories, but academic, educational, and general use is encouraged. PLANTS reduces government spending by minimizing duplication and making information exchange possible across agencies and disciplines.
Kategori: Databaser
En meget interessant blog om Nikolai Vavilovs ideer og resultater. Måske kunne bloggen have set sådan ud, hvis han selv havde haft mulighed for at skrive den - genfødt i internetalderen?
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Forskning og uddannelse
Den tyske frøsamlerorganisation VEN arbejder for at bevare nytteplanters mangfoldighed. Man søger efter gamle arter af nytteplanter, der ikke længere vedligeholdes for at rekultivere, opformere og videreudvikle dem.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Foreninger | Gamle sorter og historie
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer
En temmelig anderledes grønsagshumor side med masser af sjove billeder.
Kategori: Private sider og blogs
The secrets of the walled kitchen garden: a unique part of our heritage.
Walled kitchen gardens are an important part of our history, yet are now largely neglected and little understood. In the last century, most large country houses had a walled kitchen garden. They were highly productive places: food, herbs and flowers for the family, staff and guests of the big house.
Kategori: Gamle sorter og historie
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer
The World Carrot Museum er en facinerende webside, der vedligeholdes af John Stolarczyk.
Der findes alverdens nyttige og underholdende oplysninger om gulerødder i det virtuelle museum - for eksempel sortsbeskrivelser, oplysninger om gulerodens historie, billeder af en gulerodsguitar og (det er jo i England) en gulerodstekande.
Kategori: Private sider og blogs