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Der er 266 links samlingen.
Viser link 221 til 240
Ka' du li' fuchsiaer? Så tag et kik på mine sider med sortsliste samt billeder af de fuchsiaer jeg har, havebilleder, orkidebilleder, og fuchsia-animationer m.m.
Kategori: Private sider og blogs
Searchable World Wide Web Multilingual Multiscript Plant Name Database. On-line service provided to the community by
Michel H. Porcher and friends with the cooperation of The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Kategori: Databaser
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange is a wonderful source for heirloom seeds and other open-pollinated (non-hybrid) seeds with an emphasis on vegetables, flowers, and herbs that grow well in the Mid-Atlantic region. We support seed saving and traditional seed breeding. Seed savers and breeders are to thank for our rich selection and we will do whatever we can to support our customers and associates to carry on this noble tradition.
Our seed company started in 1982 as an outgrowth of a love affair with heirloom varieties and in seed saving. Southern Exposure Seed Exchange had its beginning in a small family garden and a kitchen co-opted for seed processing. The kitchen garden has since expanded to numerous growing areas supplemented by a nationwide seed grower network. Now the seed company has its own office, germination testing facility, and environmentally controlled seed storage areas.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie
Southern Seed Legacy strives to reverse the plant erosion of genetic diversity and cultural knowledge in the American South by encouraging and supporting local seed saving exchange networks and in situ conservation of plant genetic resources. We also house a small seed collection that serves as a backup for crop varieties that are in particular danger of going extinct and a memory bank that documents the cultural history of many southern heirloom varieties.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie
Unter dem Markennamen SPERLI-Samen vertreiben Samenfachhandel und Gartencenter auf dem gesamten Globus Qualitätssämereien an Hobby-Gärtner. Eine breite Streuung in jeder Hinsicht! Denn das Sortiment besteht aus ca. 400 Blumen- und 350 Gemüsesamen-Artikeln. SPERLI - ein Name, der für Vielfalt und Qualität steht: Das garantieren Ihnen auch unsere Kontrollen im Labor sowie auf entsprechenden Probefeldern.
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer
Suffolk Herbs is the most comprehensive stockist of organic seed varities in Europe! Suffolk Herbs has always been, and will continue to be, a name you can trust. We continually aim for high quality, the best choice available and good value for money.
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer
Over 1,500 top quality flower and vegetable seeds and plants, including the a range of organic vegetable seed.
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer
Svensk Kulturväxtdatabas (SKUD) är ett nationellt referensverktyg och en standard för verk, myndigheter, företag, forskare, skribenter, konsumenter och andra som arbetar med eller nyttjar kulturväxter.
SKUD omfattar information över växter, deras namn och egenskaper. Liksom många biologiska dokumentationssystem bygger även den botaniska nomenklaturen till stor del på hierarkier i vilka man så exakt som möjligt försöker beskriva de taxonomiska relationerna mellan olika växter.
Kategori: Databaser | Gamle sorter og historie
Svenska Örtasällskapet är en ideell förening som arbetar för att sprida kunskap om örter, deras användning och betydelse; förr, nu och i framtiden.
Örtasällskapet skall också stimulera ekologisk odling av örter och förmedla kunskap om användning av växter som är till nytta och nöje för oss alla.
Kategori: Foreninger
Välkommen till Sällskapet Trädgårdsamatörerna (STA). Föreningen för Dig som är en passionerad trädgårdsodlare. STA är en ideell förening med för närvarande ca 8500 medlemmar i de nordiska länderna.
Kategori: Foreninger
Nystartet webshop med en masse spændende frø til haven. Udvalget af chili er voksende og der kommer hele tiden nyheder på siden. Kig forbi og gør en god handel
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer
Tom Wagners blog is devoted to potato and tomato breeding, but may include forays into politics, culture, and the like.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie | Private sider og blogs
Tater-Mater forum about anything related to potato and tomato breeding.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie | Havefora
Terre Vivante - l écologie pratique, eller på dansk, Levende Jord - praktisk økologi, er en fransk økologisk besøgshave. Lidt i stil med den Økologiske Have i Odder. Haven ligger i Mens syd for Greboble, og sproget er fransk.
Kategori: Besøgshaver og udstillinger | Økologi
The is a huge web site about pepper. It hosts the world most comprehensive chile pepper database. Here you will find information about more than 3500 varieties. This site provide everything you need to know about the chile peppers & how to grow them.
Kategori: Havebrug | Databaser
Eden is about connecting plants, people and places. We are a living demonstration of regeneration and we aim to reconnect people with their environments locally and globally. We don't have all the answers, we don't want to tell others what to think; what we do is invite people to explore their world afresh.
Kategori: Besøgshaver og udstillinger
Welcome to The Garlic Farm on the Isle of Wight, the UK’s premier grower of garlic and source of all things garlic.
Kategori: Forhandlere og frøfirmaer
Over 200 acres of superb working Victorian gardens and pleasure grounds together with a magnificent complex of walled gardens. Summerhouses, lawns, lakes and ponds, huge productive gardens and fruithouses, and 22-acre subtropical jungle, are just some of the delights of this “Sleeping Beauty”. Heligan Home Farm and pioneering Horsemoor Hide invite visitors to witness the outer estate being brought back into “good heart”...
Kategori: Besøgshaver og udstillinger | Gamle sorter og historie
The N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry is the only research institution in Russia whose activities include plant genetics resources (PGR) collection, conservation and study. This Institute, its accomplishments, and role in maintaining the global ex situ collection are well known world-wide. Its global PGR collection represents plant diversity encompassing 320,000 accessions of 155 botanical families, 2,532 species of 425 genera. For instance, the collection harbours 95,000 accessions of grain crops, over 43,000 of legumes, 52,000 of groat crops, 26,000 of industrial crops, 28,000 of fodder crops, about 10,000 of potato, and 50,000 of vegetables. VIR also maintains a herbarium of 260,000 specimens.
Kategori: Offentlige organisationer | Gamle sorter og historie
Save our Plant Heritage - Pass it on. If you're a gardener, a horticultural enthusiast, or just someone who values our natural and cultural heritage, think about this...our traditional British garden plants are disappearing.
Plants which were once grown in abundance have been lost forever; many others are dwindling fast. The small independent growers who introduced and cultivated hundreds of different plants are gone. And since many never recorded their work, their precious knowledge has died with them.
The NCCPG seeks to conserve, document, promote and make available Britain and Ireland's rich biodiversity of garden plants for the benefit of everyone through horticulture, education and science.
Kategori: Offentlige organisationer | Gamle sorter og historie